21 April 2007

Things that caught my eye

I like to take pictures of things that catch my eye but don't always make sense to take (at the time). It all started with me trying to get close ups of insects and flowers. With a digital camera, my horizons have greatly expanded. I can clip smaller pictures out of bigger landscape shots and get better close ups of small things. Here are some of those pictures in no particular order.


Looking up through the branches of a 7m tall Terminalia sericea

Making hats in Liberdade

Racing toy cars

I pass these rapazes all the time. They are shade tree mechanics. When they're not working they like to play cards or sleep.

Elephant fetuses from the size of a dime/metical to ready to be born. This exhibit is the only one of its kind in all of Africa and can be found in the Museum of Natural History, Maputo.

Check out the hair

Tug going out to guide a larger ship into port, Bahia de Maputo

Old Afezalia quazensis seedpod with bird's nest fungi. Hornbills eat the seeds.

Local hangout

"Beijo na Mulatta" (Catharanthus roseus) - used in traditional medicine to treat diabetes, rheumatism, insect bites, warts, and gonorrhoea. Some extracts used in cancer treatments. People also plant it around their homes because the flowers are very pretty.

Boy at dusk by the roadside

Dung Beetle with food supply

Bairro lojas sell a little bit of everything and a whole lot of alcohol in various forms. My favorite brandname is "Knock Out." Hey, you can't beat honest advertising.

1 comment:

  1. "Knock out" sounds like a beaut drop!

    Great photos again - really provide a feel for the place.
